
使用电脑是一项有用和必要的活动, but it can also involve risks to your computer and your personal information. Safe computing practices are a combination of computer software and security settings. 为了保证您的计算机安全,请使用最新的防病毒软件, 安全使用互联网, 使用安全连接保护您的数据, and keep your computer and information safe by using strong passwords and controlling access to your computer.





All University laptops and desktops have 微软系统中心端点保护 (SCEP) anti-virus software installed. SCEP runs anti-virus scans and updates virus definitions on each system automatically.

Users with Lawrence Tech laptops or desktops do not need to do anything to configure or manage SCEP software.

如果你对SCEP有其他问题, please contact the Lawrence Tech Computer Help Desk by phone at 248.204.2330或电邮 .


管理家中的无线连接时, the qualities that make the internet accessible to you also make it accessible to everyone else. Be smart and secure your network to protect your privacy so that only those you allow can access it.

There are two basic steps to securing your home network: (1) keep your devices up to date and (2) secure your wireless router. 获取具体说明, see the documentation from your internet service provider or the manufacturer of your device.

  1. Update all your Internet-enabled devices with the latest operating systems, web浏览器, 安全软件. This includes any mobile devices that access your wireless network, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices like an Internet-enabled thermostat, 灯, 冰箱, 等等....... 安全软件包括防病毒软件和反恶意软件. 定期检查你的设备是否更新,让它们保持最新状态.
  2. 保护你的无线路由器. Your WiFi network is created by connecting an internet access point – such as a cable or DSL modem – to a wireless router. The default settings on your wireless router, such as a generic password, can be compromised. 以下是保护无线路由器的方法 (if necessary, refer to the detailed instructions that accompany your router):
  • 更改无线网络的名称. The default name or ID broadcast by your router is assigned by the manufacturer. Change it to a name that is unique to you and does not reveal information about the model or manufacturer.
  • 更改路由器的预设密码. Leaving a default password unchanged makes it much easier for unauthorized people to access your network. 选择一个强密码,并将其存放在安全的地方. You probably won’t need to use this password unless you are fixing a problem with your network or changing router settings.
  • 加密WiFi流量. 在选择路由器的安全级别时, 如果可用,选择Wi-Fi保护访问II (WPA2), 或Wi-Fi保护接入(WPA). These levels are more secure than the Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP) option.
  • 禁用远程管理. It is unlikely you will need to access your router settings from a remote location or network.
  • 安全放置路由器并限制访问范围. Do not place your router in a location where anyone can plug in a network cable to gain access. Try to position it where the wireless signal only reaches the locations where you want access.
  • 使用防火墙. A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic based on predetermined security rules. It establishes a barrier between your internal network and the outside Internet. Your operating system and/or security software likely comes with a pre-installed firewall. 确保它是打开的.

One of the most important ways to secure your data and protect your personal information is to know how to create and use strong passwords. Using strong passwords and changing them regularly can help keep you safe from attackers who try to access your accounts by guessing or cracking your passwords. 强密码很难被猜到, 有8个或更多的字符, 字典里没有这个词(不管是什么语言), 包括数字和特殊字符.


If you need help creating a strong password, here are some suggestions:

  • 选择一个你容易记住的短语. Use the first or last letter of each word and put it together for a password. For example: 利记sbo: Theory and Practice since 1932 password would be: ltu:taps1
  • 把一些字母大写:hAveAGooDDay
  • 使用数字代替元音:secre1tp4ssw0rd
  • Remove some letters from a word or misspell it intentionally: Xpearimntl
  • 包括特殊字符:what_t!me?izit

Remember to guard your identity and data by following these practices:

  1. 不要与任何人分享你的密码. It's a violation of Lawrence Tech Computing policy to share your username and password information with anyone.
  2. 不要在电脑上储存密码, 你的浏览器记住它们了吗, 或者把它们写在你电脑周围的纸上.
  3. 不同的系统使用不同的密码. Don't use the same password for every website and account you have. If you use the same password for all your accounts and it's compromised, 那么你所有的账户都被泄露了.
  4. 不要使用生日等个人信息创建密码, 孩子的名字, pets, 电话号码, 或地址. Social networking sites make your personal information widely available and your password may be easy to guess.
  5. 设置很长的密码. 密码越长,就越难破解.
  6. 定期更改密码.
  7. Change your password after international travel and after using a non-secure network.



网络钓鱼:   The act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an 尝试 to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be used for identity theft. Identify theft can be devastating to the victim and is difficult, costly, and time-consuming to fix.


There are many websites which can help explain 网络钓鱼 tactics and what you can do to protect yourself.  欲了解更多信息,请访问以下网站:

To help the Lawrence Tech community recognize a legitimate email message, please remember:

  • 劳伦斯科技信息服务公司发送的信息会 总是 be 签名 .
  • 你会 从来没有 be to 发送个人信息 在一封电子邮件中. 
    • 个人信息:密码, 社会保险号, name, 电子邮件地址, 居住地址, 信用卡号, 母亲的娘家姓, etc.
  • 任何表明你是 over 你的电子邮件 存储配额 几乎是 总是  a 网络钓鱼 尝试.
  • 经常有语法或排版错误. 你可能会注意到一些语法上的错误.
  • 你不知道回信地址. 如果你能看到“回复”地址, 这在某些情况下是可见的, you would have seen that if you had replied it was going to an unknown 电子邮件地址, 而不是一个qx9892.com地址.
  • 不要点击钓鱼邮件中的任何链接.